Getting Started


The best way to install is with pip:

pip install octranspo
# or
python -m pip install octranspo

Alternatively, clone the repository and run:

python install


To get started, create an instance of the OCTranspo class:

from octranspo import OCTranspo

api = OCTranspo('app_id', 'api_key')

You can also set your App ID and API Key with the environment variables OC_APP_ID and OC_API_KEY.

Methods will then be available to interact with the OC Transpo API.

stop_info = api.get_route_summary('3009')

print(stop_info.stop_label) # Prints 'RIDEAU'
for route in stop_info.routes:
    print(f'Route {route.route_number} heading to {route.route_heading}')
    # Example output: Route 97 heading to Airport

Convert to dictionary

To convert a returned class to a dictionary, you can use dataclasses.asdict from the standard library:

from dataclasses import asdict

# Recursively turns all classes into dictionaries
stop_info = asdict(api.get_route_summary('3009'))

Now, you can serialize the return value. For example:

import json

stop_info_str = json.dumps(stop_info) # String JSON of return value